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[TRADUZIONE JAP > ENG] Danganronpa

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Hunt or be Hunted
Gruppo: Amministratori
Messaggi: 6,417
Iscritto il: Sat 26 September 2009 - 19:45
Utente Nr.: 20
Playstation Network TAG:

Feedback: 1 (100%)

Messaggio #1 messaggio Sunday 23 June 2013 - 12:17

Il team Project Zetsubou ha rilasciato una traduzione in Inglese per Danganronpa, visual novel uscita per PSP esclusivamente in Giappone.

Guida per applicare la patch su Windows:
1- Copy the Danganronpa ISO to same folder as the patch files (or the other way around).

2- Rename the ISO “Danganronpa.iso”
If file extensions are set to hidden, you might need to name it plain “Danganronpa” without the “.iso” part, since it should already have the proper extension.

3- Double-click on “apply_patch.bat” and wait for it to finish. This can take several minutes to complete.

4- It should output either “Danganronpa [EN][v1.0][Full].iso” (1.24 GB) or “Danganronpa [EN][v1.0][No Movies].iso” (1.20 GB) depending on which version of the patch you have.

5- If you want, you can now verify your patched ISO against the hashes listed in the next section.

Guida per applicare la patch su MAC:
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To patch xdelta files, you’ll have to download the xdelta program, which can be used through the Mac’s Terminal program (the equivalent of Window’s Command Prompt).

1- Install Homebrew from http://mxcl.github.io/homebrew/

2- Open Terminal and type “brew install xdelta”.
You may need to download Xcode for Homebrew to work, which is on the Mac OS install disc. If you can’t find it, you can also download the program from the Apple site.
Make sure you have the proper version of Xcode for your Mac OS! You can go to https://developer.apple.com/downloads/ and type in Xcode in the search box to the left, and then look for the right version.

3- Put the original ISO (the Danganronpa game file) and patch files (the xdelta file downloaded from Project Zetsubou) into the same folder. In this example, the folder will be called “Patcher.”

4- Navigate to that folder in Terminal using the cd command. The easiest way is to type cd, enter a space, and then drag the folder into the Terminal.
Format: cd (folder)
Example: cd /Users/Klee/Desktop/Patcher

5- Type in the patch command into Terminal.
Format: xdelta3 -d -s “base” xdelta file source “location”
The “base” is the name of the original Danganronpa game file, while the “xdelta file source” is the name of the xdelta patch download. The location is whatever you want to name the finished, patched game file.
Example: xdelta3 -d -s “Danganronpa.iso” dr-english-1.0.xdelta “Danganronpa English.iso”
If successful, a second game file should be created.

6- The patch process does take a little while, and unfortunately Terminal doesn’t let you know when it finishes in an obvious manner. The easiest way to make sure is to check the file size of the game file (right-click, Get Info). It should stop increasing at around 1.24 GB for the full patch and 1.20 GB for the no-movies version.

NB: La patch di traduzione funziona solamente con la versione PSP The Best del gioco.

*Si ringrazia Reil per la segnalazione*


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