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Krap-psp v1.20

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Nome File Krap-psp v1.20 di Ale the best
Inviato Friday 17 June 2011 - 22:24
Ultimo Aggiornamento Saturday 6 August 2011 - 09:39
Tipo File Tipo File (rar - application/rar)
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Dimensione File 181.68k (Tempo di Download Stimato)
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Il coder kenma9123, dopo quasi due mesi di silenzio, aggiorna Krap-psp, un plugin dalle innumerevoli funzioni .
Grazie a Krap-psp, in modo semplice e veloce, potremo controllare lo stato della batteria, la versione del firmware, la frequenza del processore oppure spegnere o riavviare la nostra console con una combinazione di tasti oppure regolare la luminositą dello schermo .
Il tutto č davvero molto semplice e avviene attraverso l'ausilio di un comodo menu .

Breve descrizione da parte dello sviluppatore :
Krap-psp is a plugin came up from nowhere, indeed it is just an idea before, but because of someone's help(freddy), i manage to implement a feature which is permit/forbid the battery from charging(that's why its Krap).. and then suddenly some more features we're implemented because of users suggestions. You want to easily manipulate your psp? check your battery status? how about listening to music and yours always aware with the battery life percent, is it good to may just hear a warning sound than picking onto it all the time? How about the uptime? Now, do you want to make your psp more krapy? then try this one and if you find it useful, then that's great

Sotto spoiler i comandi e il changelog, mentre a fondo pagina trovate il download :
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-Changelog :
v1.20 - 8/5/2011
[!]Fix a bug in music mode when beep is executed
[!]Fix reboot function in 6.39
[!]Fix a bug in powersaver and battery warning after saving & reboot.
[!]Extend the plugin delay in gamemode by 5 seconds.
[!]Removed status text.
[!]You can now Disabled thread in Misc Menu(Turn red when disabled)
[+]Added "Draw delay"(The higher the value the higher the flicker the lower the lag)
[+]Added "Music Mode CPU"(Specify the cpu speed when music mode)
[!]Infos Position x & y can now be customize(From the krap.ini)

Note: When setting the position of the infos
u_x -> uptime x pos
u_y -> uptime y pos
c_x -> cpu x pos
c_y -> cpu y pos
b_x -> batt x pos
b_y -> batt y pos
Remember that the PSP screen has 480x272 pixels..

-Default Controls:
Display Krap menu............Note+Square
Enable Charging...............Note+Volup
Disable Charging..............Note+Voldown
Force Sleep....................Note+Select
Force Shutdown...............Note+Start
On/Off Auto sleep............Note+Up
On/Off Autoshutdown........Note+Down
Take Screenshot..............Note+L-Trigger
Music Mode....................Hold switch
Reset a Game.................Home (Hold at least 1sec)
Pause a Game.................Screen

Scarica File

Versioni Precedenti

Nome Nome File Aggiornato Operazioni
Krap-psp v1.20 krap_psp_v1.20.rar Fri 5 August 2011- 18:13
Krap-psp v1.19 Krap_psp_v119.rar Fri 17 June 2011- 22:33
Krap-psp v1.19 Krap_psp_v119.rar Fri 17 June 2011- 22:32
Krap-psp v1.19 Krap_psp_v119.rar Fri 17 June 2011- 22:26

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