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*Z-Machine* Frotz-PSP v0.1

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Nome File *Z-Machine* Frotz-PSP v0.1 di kakarotto
Inviato Wednesday 9 December 2009 - 10:27
Ultimo Aggiornamento Wednesday 9 December 2009 - 10:27
Tipo File Tipo File (zip - application/zip)
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Dimensione File 453.78k (Tempo di Download Stimato)
Visite 2514
Downloads 162
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Il coder QBRADQ rilascia un port di Frotz Z-Machine, interprete di Z-Machine, macchina virtuale creata nel 1979 ed utilizzata da Infocom per avventure testuali.

Potrete trovare maggiorni informazioni sulla Z-Machine su WIKIPEDIA

1. Copy the PSP directory onto the root of your memory stick. This will create a PSP/GAME/frotz-psp directory containing the executable.
2. Place story files somewhere on your PSP memory stick. For recent community works this will be the .z3 or .z5 file provided by the author. For commercial games this will typically be a .DAT file (such as ZORK1.DAT).


1. Start the application as normal for your firmware.
2. When the application starts it will open a file selection dialog allowing you to choose the story file you want to play.
a. If you prefer to auto-load a story file, place said story file on the root of your memory stick and name it "story.file". This will be
automatically loaded and the file select dialog will be skipped.
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