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Doodle Jump v1.3

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Nome File Doodle Jump v1.3 di kakarotto
Inviato Sunday 18 July 2010 - 22:58
Ultimo Aggiornamento Monday 6 September 2010 - 22:03
Tipo File Tipo File (rar - application/rar)
Screenshot Clicca qui per uno screenshoot a dimensioni reali.
Dimensione File 13.78mb (Tempo di Download Stimato)
Visite 2166
Downloads 41
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Il Team Cheytac rilascia un aggiornamento per Doodle Jump, porting della famosa applicazione disponibile per iPhone/iPod touch.

Ecco il changelog di questo aggiornamento:
- The Extras bug was get fixed
- Exit Button was added ( more convenient for users HBL )
- Halloween Theme too
- Deep Sea Theme too
- General improvement of the old themes
- ” UFO ‘s “and “black holes ” added
- Levels are no longer created through a 100 % ‘s random

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Doodle Jump Doodle_Jump_PSP.zip Sun 18 July 2010- 22:58

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