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AFKIM: Instant Messenger for PSP v3.3.7 (fw4x)

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Nome File AFKIM: Instant Messenger for PSP v3.3.7 (fw4x) di Gid
Inviato Thursday 10 September 2009 - 11:18
Ultimo Aggiornamento Thursday 10 September 2009 - 11:18
Tipo File Tipo File (zip - application/zip)
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Dimensione File 1.26mb (Tempo di Download Stimato)
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AFKIM e' un buonissimo programma di messaggistica istantanea che permette di collegarsi a diversi protocolli come Yahoo!, Gtalk, ICQ e MSN.
Hi all,

Here is a new release of AFKIM (Away From the Keyboard Instant Messenger), the instant messaging application for PSP written by Danzel !
(see http://localhost.geek.nz/)

The server im.bitlbee.org is down and it doesn't appear even in DNS. Unfortunately it is the default Bitlbee server used by afkim and there is no way to create a new account using afkim in any other Bitlbee server.
(You have to do it by yourself using any IRC client).

In this new version of afkim you can specify in afkim.cfg file the public Bitlbee server / port you want to connect to. The afkim.cfg file try now to connect you to im.codemonkey.be when using a new account (you have to rename or remove the bitlbee.cfg file first).

Special thanks to BLacKyyy* for his feedback on im.bitlbee.org server issue.
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