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Alternative VSHMenu v6.1

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Nome File Alternative VSHMenu v6.1 di Gid
Inviato Tuesday 8 September 2009 - 09:17
Ultimo Aggiornamento Saturday 12 September 2009 - 09:40
Tipo File Tipo File (rar - application/rar)
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L' Alternative VSH Menu, realizzato dall'italianissimo Red Squirrel, e' un VHS Menu alternativo, il quale aggiunge nuove funzioni al classico VHS Menu dei CF M33, come la possibilita' di cambiare il colore dello sfondo, oppure di attivare/disattivare il VHS Menu originale degli M33, o ancora di fare screenshot direttamente alla nostra dashboard.
Questa versione 6.1 e' uscita subito dopo la precedente con il solo scopo di fixare un piccolo bug della 6.0: per completezza vi allego i changelog di entrambi le versioni!
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* this is a little bugfix for v6.0!
* Infact v6.0 had a bug that disabled the plugin in first position in VSH.txt when you exit from it. Now fixed. If you have flashed v.6.0, don't use the flasher (homebrew or Windows program) again, but manually replace vshmenu.prx in flash0:/kd/ with the new one.


* Added FIVE new background colours
* Now Alternative VSHMenų can not be started before of 3 seconds: in this way you can avoid console crashes when you accidentally start it during coldboot or returning from games.
* Now there will be a pause of about one second when you exit from A. VSHMenų: in this way your key pressing will not have any effect on XMB (like happened in past).
* Changed HIDE MAC ADDRESS function in AUTO USB CONNECTION: if you enable it, USB connection will be enable always in XMB! In this way when you connect a USB cable your PSP will be connected to your PC/PS3 without you have to press on special icon! (like in PSP-3000).
* Changed CXMB PLUGIN function in LANGUAGE: now you can select your language from the menu of A. VSHMenų! In this first version, there will be only two language: Italian and English.
* Changed M33 VSHMENU in SELECT KEY: now you can choose what to associate to SELECT key in XMB (M33 VSHMenų, a Homebrew, Nothing).
* Erased all difference of code between CF 3.90/3.95GEN/4.01M33: now plugin will be the same in all CFs.
* Added a homebrew-flasher for the plugin: it will flash the Alternative VSHMenų in your Flash0 directly from PSP without other steps!
* Cleaned the code to try to compensate the increase of the PRX size caused by language translations.
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Versioni Precedenti

Nome Nome File Aggiornato Operazioni
Alternative VSHMenu v6.1 Alternative_VSHMenu_v6.1.rar Tue 8 September 2009- 09:17
Alternative VSHMenu v6.1 Alternative_VSHMenu_v6.1.rar Tue 8 September 2009- 09:17

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