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REminiscencePSP v0.2.1

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Nome File REminiscencePSP v0.2.1 di kakarotto
Inviato Monday 8 August 2011 - 14:26
Ultimo Aggiornamento Monday 8 August 2011 - 14:26
Tipo File Tipo File (zip - application/zip)
Screenshot Clicca qui per uno screenshoot a dimensioni reali.
Dimensione File 481.1k (Tempo di Download Stimato)
Visite 4237
Downloads 27
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Il coder Sektor aggiorna REminescence, un porting di Flashback: The Quest for Identity, creato da Delphine Software nel 1992.

Ed ecco le parole del coder
» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
To run REminiscence, you'll need a copy of the data files from the DOS version
of Flashback.

To install:

3.80 M33 users:
Copy REminiscence folder to ms0:/PSP/GAME/
Data files go in ms0:/PSP/GAME/REminiscence/data/
Save files go in ms0:/PSP/GAME/REminiscence/save/


D-Pad/Nub - Move left, right, up, or down
Cross - Enter (Use object)
Circle/R - Backspace (Inventory / exit from a cinematic scene)
Triangle - Space (Take out / put back gun)
Square - Shift (Operate / run / take)
Start/L - Esc (Game options)
Select - Toggle mirror mode
Long jump - Hold Square + left/right and then push up
High jump - Hold Square + left/right and then release left/right anytime before you get to an edge
(he only jumps if ledge is within reach, required on 2nd level)

Known issues:

You can't load a level 2 save from level 1. You have to choose level 2 in the level select screen and then load your save.
Inventory items are always in English.
480x272 is the wrong aspect ratio.
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