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*N64* Daedalus X64 per 6.20 TN-A

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Nome File *N64* Daedalus X64 per 6.20 TN-A di Ale the best
Inviato Saturday 25 December 2010 - 09:35
Ultimo Aggiornamento Saturday 25 December 2010 - 09:35
Tipo File Tipo File (zip - application/zip)
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Dimensione File 697.98k (Tempo di Download Stimato)
Visite 2052
Downloads 33
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Se avete provato ad avviare Daedalus X64 con l'HEN di Total_Noob vi sarete accorti che non partiva, per questo motivo ora è disponibile una versione creata apposta per esso .

Parole dell'autore :
Salvy and I have been working on getting Daedalus working on the newly release Total Noob Homebrew Enabler (HEN)

It turns out that the higher 32MB of ram avaliable (of the 64 mb total) does not work on the PSP 3000 / GO or PSP's with higher firmware respectively.

I have attached a build with everything required to start in this thread.

I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!


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