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XMB Icon Manager per firmware 6.xx

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Nome File XMB Icon Manager per firmware 6.xx di Ale the best
Inviato Thursday 19 January 2012 - 19:53
Ultimo Aggiornamento Thursday 19 January 2012 - 19:57
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Il coder plum porta sui firmware 6.XX il famoso plugin XMB Icon Manager, creato in origine da Total_Noob.
Grazie a questo plugin potremmo assegnare alle icone presenti nella XMB nuovi nomi nuovi funzioni, come per esempio spegnere la console, riavviarla o avviare un gioco.

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[Xmb Icon Manager by Total_Noob - ported by Plum to 6.xx CFW]
Release on www.pspking.de (6.xx Version)

[What is this?]

Do you have XMB options you never touched? Would you like to replace them with something useful? If yes, so XmbIconManager is right for you:D
This plugin allows you to edit the icon name to your desire and replace options with useful things like:
Load homebrews, updates, psx games and backups, or shutdown, suspend, reboot and restart VSH.


To use this plugin you need a PSP with Custom Firmware 6.XX.

- Copy the 'seplugins' folder to the root of your Memory Stick and add this line to 'vsh.txt': 'ms0:/seplugins/xmbim.prx 1' (without the ').
- Now, take a look in 'xmbim_config.txt'.
- Reboot your psp and enjoy:).


The configuration file of this plugin is 'xmbim_config.txt'.

- XXX = "(write the name of the icon here)".
- XXX_MODE = "(write the mode you want here)".
- XXX_FILE = "(if you want to load a file, write the path here, ms0:/... | ef0:/... for PSP Go)".

XXX means the option.

These modes can be used:
- shutdown
- suspend
- reboot
- restartvsh (useful for HEN-users)
- game
- updater
- pops (psx game)
- backup (iso/cso games)

Note: Save the file in unicode format if you have any characters not supported by ASCII.

Note 2: If you use Xmb Icon Manager, it takes some seconds to load the config file, because there are much lines to read.
To reduce the load time you can remove lines in the config you do not use!


If you want to thank me you can donate me a drink:D: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_...tton_id=8158859


- Thanks to mom and dad:D.
- Thanks to MaGiXieN for all his support and betatesting.
- Thanks to Malaky and nickxab for betatesting.
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XMB Icon Manager per firmware 6.xx XmbIconManager_for_6XX.zip Thu 19 January 2012- 19:53

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