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SHELL v0.72

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Nome File SHELL v0.72 di Ale the best
Inviato Thursday 28 April 2011 - 13:24
Ultimo Aggiornamento Thursday 28 April 2011 - 13:25
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Dimensione File 1.47mb (Tempo di Download Stimato)
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Il coder Arnold rilascia SHELL nella versione 0.72, un' interfaccia da quale potremo avviare i nostri homebrew e i nostri backup, riprodurre file multimediali o navigare su internet .
L' homebrew, che partecipa alla Genesis Competition, si presenta come un'ottima alternativa alla XMB della PSP .

Sotto spoiler una lista delle altre features :
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- SHELL is a platform for development for developers - Build plugins, load apps all from within SHELL
- SHELL is a wonderful world for users to customise! Be it via APPS, PLUGINS, LINKS, THEMES!
- Calling all themers! Customise to your heart's content!

- Multi-language system. Translate to ANY language you want (just make sure it's UTF8).
- Multi-audio format support! MORE than the XMB! Plays various audio files: MP2, MP3, MP4, M4A, AA3, AT3, FLAC, AIF, AIFF, AU, WMA, WAV
- No need to Game Categories! Just put your apps in folders like on a computer and it can be as deep as you want it!
- No need to change X / O for confirm in Recovery. Just change it in SHELL and it's instant!

- SHELL LINKS - SHLK Links - Shortcuts to ANY app on your PSP. Simply fill in some details for a SHLK and see it appear in the SHELL Menu!
- SHELL PLUGINS (yep. PRXs - Developers!!! If you can't join Genesis and still want to join, make a plugin for SHELL!!)

- SHELL SDK and samples included

- If a feature is missing, just load the XMB! (eventually, this won't be needed as SHELL will have everything plus MORE!)

- Note: To exit the Launched XMB, hold "L + SELECT + START".
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SHELL v0.72 SHELLv0.72.zip Thu 28 April 2011- 13:24

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