neur0n rilascia un nuovo plugin, sssss , che permette di catturare screenshot in formato BMP/PNG/JPG e che supporta i CF/HEN 6.xx, compreso l'ultimo 6.60
Ecco le parole del coder
» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
• A Screenshot plug-ins that support image formats such as BMP or PNG or JPG
• Supports the 6.60 (for the CFW / LCFW / HEN system 6.xx)

You can change the capture button:

(You can specify a value for the button below, followed by hex, You can change the start button to save the image.)

buttons =

SELECT 0x000001
Start 0x000008
↑ 0x000010
→ 0x000020
↓ 0x000040
← 0x000080
L 0x000100
R 0x000200
△ 0x001000
○ 0x002000
× 0x004000
□ 0x008000
Hold 0x020000
+ 0x100000
- 0x200000
Screen 0x400000
♪ 0x800000

If you want to start pressing multiple buttons simultaneously, then enter these value of each one.
(Please note that the What is a hexadecimal number.)

For example:
Start and select the + and - start
buttons = 0x300009

(Only sssssjpg.ini, items are specified compression ratio.)

compress =
Followed, please specify a number between 1 and 100.
Here truly is a decimal.